About me

Welcome! I’m Noel Mahoney, a Character Animator based in London, UK.

My passion for animation began at a very young age, like many others. My journey started at the University of Derby, studying Computer Games Modelling & Animation. I initially went to study animation, though I thoroughly enjoyed creating compelling CG environments at the time. I went on to work in games creating environments, before returning to study Digital Effects at Bournemouth University to develop my CG Generalist skills to work in film.

Over the years, my love of animation never disappeared. It grew exponentially when working at studios like Industrial Light & Magic and DNEG, as well as a number of other award-winning studios. I was lucky enough to work alongside talented Animators at these studios, watching them create amazing, captivating and exciting performances like the Genie from Aladdin, and Snoke from Star Wars. This ignited my absolute need to specialise in Animation.

After doing some Animation while as a CG Generalist, both personal and professional (such as as animating the police car chase for the Bourne Stuntacular), I decided to commit to taking my animation to the next level and learn from the best. I signed up to iAnimate’s body mechanics class with Jason Keane. I went on to study at Animation Mentor, being mentored by the extremely talented Daniel Segarra, Keith Sintay and Jason Martinsen.

After a few years of studying animation as hard as possible, I am so excited to continue my career as an Animator at Cinesite and can’t wait to see where this wonderful industry will take me!


